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Splitwise is a free smartphone app that allows users to easily split bills with friends and family. Whether sharing a holiday, splitting rent or paying someone for lunch, Splitwise makes sorting out bills hassle-free. The platform is available for both Android and iOS, as well as on the desktop.

Sharing the payment while on holiday can be a stressful business, particularly when so many different scenarios in which it is necessary to split the bill come up, such as renting accommodation, getting a taxi, buying a meal out or simply purchasing a round of drinks. One of my biggest problems is that I tend to forget precisely how much I owe people and therefore I find Splitwise’s email reminders to be a great feature. The platform will send you a notification directly to your inbox if you are overdue on paying someone back, helping you keep on top of all your IOUs while away.

Another great feature I have come across when using Splitwise is their Fairness Calculator. With this, you can calculate everything, from how you should split rent in a new apartment to how much you and your friends should each pay for a holiday away. This helps to give a rough indication of varying costs across a range of different items so that nobody ends up out of pocket. The feedback and helpdesk section also provides useful articles on a whole host of related topics, divided up into categories to help you quickly find what you’re looking for.

One issue I found with the app, however, is that it does not handle currency exchange rates like other similar platforms. This means that if you have paid in a foreign currency, you will have to work out the exchange rate separately to find out exactly how much it would be back home.

Splitwise is a free smartphone app that allows users to easily split bills with friends and family. Whether sharing a holiday, splitting rent or paying someone for lunch, Splitwise makes sorting out bills hassle-free. The platform is available for both Android and iOS, as well as on the desktop.


Sharing the payment while on holiday can be a stressful business, particularly when so many different scenarios in which it is necessary to split the bill come up, such as renting accommodation, getting a taxi, buying a meal out or simply purchasing a round of drinks. One of my biggest problems is that I tend to forget precisely how much I owe people and therefore I find Splitwise’s email reminders to be a great feature. The platform will send you a notification directly to your inbox if you are overdue on paying someone back, helping you keep on top of all your IOUs while away.


Another great feature I have come across when using Splitwise is their Fairness Calculator. With this, you can calculate everything, from how you should split rent in a new apartment to how much you and your friends should each pay for a holiday away. This helps to give a rough indication of varying costs across a range of different items so that nobody ends up out of pocket. The feedback and helpdesk section also provides useful articles on a whole host of related topics, divided up into categories to help you quickly find what you’re looking for.


One issue I found with the app, however, is that it does not handle currency exchange rates like other similar platforms. This means that if you have paid in a foreign currency, you will have to work out the exchange rate separately to find out exactly how much it would be back home.

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    What we like
  1. Email notifications remind users of due payments
  2. Fairness Calculator provides indication of how much you or someone else should pay for different items
  3. Feedback and helpdesk features useful articles for money-related topics
    What we hate
  1. No inbuilt currency exchange converter
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